Thursday, August 15, 2013

TXWB Getting to Know You 1

Today's post is part of the Texas Women Bloggers Getting to Know You Link Up. Enjoy!

This month’s questions:

1. What part of Texas do you call home?

I live in East Texas where the beautiful Piney Woods begin.

2. How long have you been blogging?

Only a couple of months!
Call me a newbie. A greenhorn. A baby blogger. Because that’s where I am. But you know, even though I am only just getting my feet wet, I love learning and cannot wait to wade deeper and deeper into those waters.

3. Why did you start blogging?

I have been living in an unusual way (in a shipping container home) for awhile now and have always meant to share our story! I contemplated an ebook or something, but realized I didn’t want to just write a how-to on shipping container living and stop there, because my talents and passions go so much deeper than just the house we live in!
Also, I am a stay at home mother with an unending interest in learning and sharing with others. Unfortunately, I also just moved to an area where I know very few people, so the internet/ blogging has helped me reach out to people in a way that allows me to also be there for my children.

4. When we visit your blog, what can we expect to discover?

A little bit of EVERYTHING. J
I DO try to focus on the home/ life hacks we’ve come up with through our lifestyle. Also I think I couldn’t go very long without mentioning children, homeschooling, and FOOD!

5. How did you come up with your Blog Title and what is its meaning?

I think I just wanted to point out how we stand out from the crowd with our title (Shipping Container…), but also to speak volumes about what I consider most important on this earth (…Family)!

6. What do you love about being part of Texas Women Bloggers?

I am very new to Texas Women Bloggers, but already I have seen a sense of community that is both supportive and encouraging. They are lifting each other up instead of being in competition.

7. Who inspires you to blog?

God and my family. I feel like I wouldn’t be at a keyboard if He hadn’t put me here, and my family is so supportive of my new creative outlet!

8. If you could pick a favorite blog post from this past year, what would it be?

You mean the past couple of months, lol? J Surely it was my pegboard idea that started it all. It may not be the most well-written post, or have the best photography, but years from now I hope to look back at THAT post and remember thinking, “I can’t believe I’ve never seen this idea on Pinterest before! And it’s been hiding in MY home the whole time… I HAVE TO share this idea with people!”

Thank you for stopping by. You can find this post linked up here:

Getting to Know You Link Party with the Texas Women Bloggers


  1. Hi - I found from the TWB link up! A shipping container? really? soooo interesting! I look forward to reading more.

  2. Found you in link up! Very interesting story! I too am an East Texas girl. Love my trees!

  3. Wow - a shipping container! Now I have to go back and learn more. I love meeting people take risks and look forward to hearing more.

  4. So interesting! I am looking forward to following along. Will you be posting any pictures of the inside of your home? I hope so!

  5. A shipping container...that is extremely fascinating!! :) Jumping over to see your peg board! Welcome to the Texas Women Bloggers!!

  6. You may be new to blogging, but you have an interesting and envious lifestyle to share. Although I'm not in Texas I, too, am anxious to read all you wish to post.

  7. Thanks everyone! I have four kiddos so the inside of my home usually looks like a toy/clothes/snacktime tornado came through here. ;) I am looking forward to posting about our home's interior soon though. I just need to tidy things up a bit so I can actually take photos that don't look like "before" pictures! :)

  8. Wow! What a brave woman. That's awesome you guys have made it work. Very interesting story! (I went and read all about how it started.) Thanks for sharing!

  9. Linking up from Texas Women Bloggers! A shipping container...WOW! Going back to read more!

  10. I found you through the link up to and already fascinated by your home and the fact that your from east Texas. My in laws live that way so we get out there once in awhile it's beautiful.
